Affiliate Program

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Not only does our affiliate program offer industry leading per lead commission but our affiliate panel allows for greater transparency and tracking. Partnering with us will provide the best opportunity to monetize your audience.   

Elite affiliates get access to extra perks such as customized marketing material and media, bonuses, increased commission scales, custom sales campaigns more. To become an elite affiliate, you need to generate $50 of monthly commission for 6 months in any calendar year. Affiliate status is reviewed annually and is reserved for our top producers. 

We reserve the right issue and revoke affiliate credentials at any time. Your application does not guarantee your approval to our affiliate program as we are seeking to exchange with people and entities who align with our core values.

Affiliate Payouts

The more traffic you send, the more you earn! The following are our payouts

Extended Health Benefit Plans
$5 per lead
Travel Insurance
$3 per lead
Visitors to Canada Health Insurance
$4 per lead
Expat Health Insurance
$3 per lead
Life Insurance
$10 per lead
Disability Insurance
$1.50 per lead


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